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Writer's pictureBeki Jane

Wildlife Through My Window

A window is a beautiful thing. This is my view today and every day that I'm able to sit up for a while. I'm disabled by a long-term chronic illness that limits what I can do quite significantly. From my swivel armchair, I take photographs and share the lives of all the local residents. I pay them in food, love, and pleasant surroundings. They repay me with fun. I've had some unusual visitors here over the years and I'm pretty sure that we'll get many more. Join me in my sitting room with my view of the world as I share my feathered, furred, and insect friends with you all. The second flush of roses are lovely over the arch. Hints of autumn are beginning to tone the palette. There are more juvenile birds than adults at the feeders now. The swallows and house martins will be gone soon. Plums and apples are ripe enough to take the first of the big crop. There was fog overnight and that's another autumn signal. Has it been a summer? Yes, we had a blazing May and June that scorched the grass to beige. Followed by a standard Scottish July and August, just as I remember from summers on the Isle of Mull as a child. We've sun to come yet before the first frost.

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